Techno sound of the heart.

The love overwhelming Lena Bortnik is reflected in this composition with the strong energy of Techno.

Lena Bortnik

Sexy, shocking and unpredictable DJ bee, pollinating the mind with velvet bass, taking you into an endless dance trance. Her performances are not banal DJ SETs, but musical honey, DJ MIX LIVE, filled with light, harsh, gentle and exciting dance groove.

She stings the Beat right into the hearts, accelerating the pulse to 128 beats, enveloping in a veil of sweet musical euphoria.

  • DJ Bortnik is a drive.
  • Producer Bortnik is a show.
  • Showlady Bortnik is electronic music.
Soaring above the dance floor, makes you feel unbridled freedom and passion for adventure.

Bortnik – z-z-z-z-zhinit Beat! (c)
  • DJ Bortnik is a drive.
  • Producer Bortnik is a show.
  • Showlady Bortnik is electronic music.
Producer: Michael Ditis & Orange Brain

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Michael Ditis & label "Orange Brain Producing"

Registration NO: SL22889
Suite 1 4 Queen Street, Edinburgh, Uk, EH2 1JE
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